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  • P. Kılıç, N. Belder, B. CoÅŸar, B. N. Savran, The predicted biomarkers hsa-miR-1249-5p and hsa-miR-320b via the common target gene PROK2 in β-cell apoptosis in T1DM, Oral Presentation, 14th International Pharmaceutical Sciences Symposium, 25-28 June 2024


  • Kilic P, Karabudak S, Cosar B, Savran BN, Yalcin M. Residual protein analysis by SDS–PAGE in clinically manufactured BM-MSC products. Electrophoresis. 2024;1–12.


  • Minaz Y.A., KaragülleoÄŸlu Z.Y., Nehri L.N., Tekeli C., Öney T.M., Kılıç P., GüneÅŸ AltuntaÅŸ E. (2024) A review of pediocins and pediocin-like bacteriocins (PLBs), Lat Am Appl Res, 2024, 54(1), 107-118.


  • B. CoÅŸar, P. Kılıç, PiggyBac (PB) Vector System-Mediated Reprogramming of Cells Designed with OCT4 and Lin28A/B Subgroups:A Discussion on The Expected Pluripotent Properties of The iPSC Yield, Oral Presentation, 2. International Paris Congress on Medical and Health Sciences, 24-26 October 2023​


  • P. Kılıç, N. Belder, B. CoÅŸar, F. Oruç, Hsa-mir-144-3p/hsa-mir-30d-5p: Could They be a Biomarker Panel via Common Dmxl2 in Diabetes and Concomitant Neuropathy?, Oral Presentation, 22nd Biotechnology Congress with International Participation, 20-22 October 2023


  • Begum COSAR, Pelin KILIC, Identification and investigation of GLUT4-associated miRNAs and their target genes potentially responsible for tissue damage in Diabetes mellitus, Oral Presentation, BIO Türkiye Organization International Biotechnology Congress, 28-30 September 2023


  • Kılıç P., CoÅŸar B., An Optimized Protocol for piggyBac-Induced iPSC Generation from PBMCs by Automatic Electroporation, "Stem Cells and Lineage Commitment Methods in Molecular Biology", KürÅŸad Türksen, Editor, Humana Press, Inc. , New York, ss.193-205, 2023


  • KILIC P., COSAR B., INCE A.T., CEBBAROGLU D.D., TEKELI C., BENLI E., DARCANSOY ISERI O. (2023) It isn't over ‘till it’s over: A continuing concern of the SARS-CoV-2 variants, and miRNAs targeting the S protein as a probable absolute cure, Exp Biomed Res 2023, 6(1), 57-76 (doi: 10.30714/j-ebr.2022.170)


  • P. KILIÇ, N. TURHAN, ‘Sensitive’ Brain Studies: Ethical Discussions, Oral Presentation, International Congress of Health Research (USAK-2022), 08-09 December 2022.


  • P. KILIÇ, Åž. Ä°PEK, B. COÅžAR, M. YALÇIN, B. N. SAVRAN, F. N. KORKMAZ, K. DALVA, M. ÅžAHÄ°N, G. GÜRMAN, Mononuclear Cell Distribution Analysis in Peripheral Blood as regards Individual Discrepancies, Oral Presentation, International Congress of Health Research (USAK-2022), 08-09 December 2022.


  • Cosar B, Karabudak S, Kilic P. Comparaison des concentrations d'inhibiteurs de trypsine et de trypsine par SDS-PAGE dans des produits de cellules souches mésenchymateuses fabriqués cliniquement, présentation orale, Congrès international sur la santé et la vie en Cappadoce 2022 (ICHELIC-2022), 24-26 août 2022 .


  • Cosar B, Barokah AN, Donmez MH, Korkmaz Bayram K, Kilic P. The Path from PBMC to iPSC: Determining the Effect of Transposon Concentration and Culture Conditions on Transfection Efficiency, Présentation orale, International Cappadocia Health and Life Congress 2022 (ICHELIC- 2022), 24-26 août 2022.


  • Cosar B, Kilic P, Kandemir B, Darcansoy Ä°seri O. [Comparaison des gènes orthologues TCF7L2 et pan en termes de voie de signalisation de l'insuline avec des approches bioinformatiques], Oral presentation, 21st Biotechnology Congress with International Participation, 27-28 December 2021.


  • Altiok D, Savci, EZ, Ozkara B, Alkan K, Namdar DS, Tuncer G, Kilinc, BR, Suicmez E, Cetin G, Unal S, Donmus B, Karagulleoglu ZY, Uncuoglu DB, Tekeli C, Mendi AH, Bengi VU, Cengiz Seval G, Kilic P, Gunes Altuntas E, Demir-Dora D. (2021) Host Variations in the SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Turk J Biol, 2021, 45(4), 404-424 (doi: 10.3906/biy-2104-67).


  • Cosar B, Karagulleoglu ZY, Unal S, Ince AT, Uncuoglu DB, Kilinc BR, Ozkan YE, Ozkoc HC, Demir IN, Eker A, Karagoz F, Simsek SY, Yasar B, Pala M, Demir A, Atak IN, Mendi AH, Bengi VU, Cengiz Seval G, Gunes Altuntas E, Kilic P, Demir-Dora D. (2021) The Most Recent SARS-CoV-2 Mutations and their Subsequent Viral Variants, Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews, 2021 In Press, Corrected Proof.​


  • Kilic P. (2021) Quality Management Systems (QMSs) of Human-Based Tissue and Cell Product Manufacturing Facilities. In: Turksen K. (eds) Stem Cells and Good Manufacturing Practices. Methods in Molecular Biology. vol 2286. Humana, New York, NY.


HücreCELL® Biotechnologie a été créé avec le projet de R&D "Modèle de maladie du diabète basé sur les cellules souches pluripotentes induites (CSPi)" #2200299, qui a été réalisé et achevé avec succès entre le 01.11.2020 et le 30.04.2022 dans le cadre de TÜBÄ°TAK 1512 - Jeune Entrepreneur (BIGG) Technoenterprise Capital Support Program, et continue d'être soutenu par le projet de R&D #7238013 intitulé "Enquête sur les dommages tissulaires aux niveaux de microARN (miARN) et de miARN exosomal dans des modèles de maladie du diabète basés sur CSPi et détermination de biomarqueurs potentiels", pour être effectuée entre le 01.07.2023 et le 30.11.2024 dans le cadre de TÜBÄ°TAK 1507 - Programme de soutien initial à la R&D des PME.

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